What Bothers The Spaceman?

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Tony Millionaire's artwork for the song
Rykodisc Artwork

song name What Bothers the Spaceman?
artist Mono Puff
releases Unsupervised, TMBG Clock Radio
year 1996
first played June 26, 1996 (4 known performances)
run time 2:49
sung by John Flansburgh


  • Flansburgh says, "This song is not based on any personal experience with baseball great Bill 'Spaceman' Lee, who I quite accidentally met at a TV show right after writing this song. Lee, back in the seventies had a couple of great, controversial seasons with the very conservative Boston Red Sox. When Lee made a couple of appearances on local rock radio stations at the time, he lived up to his name with a very odd 'lost philosopher'-style that made a lasting impression on me."

Song Themes

Heads, Occupations, People (Real), Questions, Space, Titles And Honorifics, Trees And Other Plants


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What Bothers The Spaceman? is currently ranked #611 out of 1013. (21 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.98)