Lyrics:The Bill

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The Bill
By: People Are Wrong! Cast
Year: 2002

Xanthus I've been tallying the bill for the equipment I've a couple questions before I confirm the shipment These big-ticket items, what have they to do with greenery? These young people can't spend their life savings on the scenery

Xanthus, the temperatures really dip down at night in outer space Joyce, we'll need a thousand yards of that pink foam so he can insulate The vessel that will take him home The pink foam so he won't get cold Traveling the great unknown Leaving Chainsaw all alone

Joyce, big bucks must be supplied if we're to make this garden fly We'll help those bright-lighters see that money is just energy

Chainsaw! Can I count you in? Count me anyway you can Will those bright-lighters see (New age bullshit, children, seeds(?)) That money is just energy