Mark Mazut

From This Might Be A Wiki
Don't Let's Start EP

Mark Mazut created the iconic snowman artwork for the Don't Let's Start EP, released in 1987.

The snowman burning money was an original idea conceptualized and illustrated by Mazut. John Flansburgh in 2012 said on Tumblr, "It was a very smart illustration created by Mark Mazut and he deserves all the credit. He presented [it] to us unsolicited. It was his original idea, and it still makes me think!"

Flansburgh stated Mazut was inspired by the running snowman clip art from the 1986 self-titled album's lyric sheet, which he recalls, "was taken (I believe out of a trash can) at my job doing kids workbooks at Macmillan Publishing," and had its smile "altered to a more ambivalent expression."[1] The Macmillan clip art and Mazut's drawing share similar features, including the snowman's boots and top hat.