
From This Might Be A Wiki

Fan Recaps and Comments:


So much better than my first show. That is first and foremost. My first show was in Portsmouth, NH last winter, and Linnell was a little sick. Dan Miller totally picked up the slack and rocked so hard tho. But this time both John's were on. Also I was right up close to the stage. Linnell is the man. I have to admit when ever he looked into the crowd and I thought he was looking at me I couldn't look back at him. I'm sorry John, I was nervous, next time I'll be braver.
Hearing Flood live was something else. A great experience. The opening band was They Might be Giants. They were really good. I hope they open again when I see them again in RI in January. The highlight of the night for me must have been Experimental film. It's the song that brought me here, and completed my life hearing it live.


Epic show.
But, does anyone know inside info on a recording of this show?
I would LOVE to have this on my Ipod!