
From This Might Be A Wiki

I sometimes feel an urge to spam TMBG lyrics, when they're stuck in my head.

My TMBG obscurity: I Can't Hide From My Mind. One of their best songs.

TMBW Userboxes
Babel keyboard.jpg This user plays keyboard.

I Like Fun.jpg This user's favorite album is I Like Fun.
FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Spiraling Shape.

This user is 17 years old.

Favorite and least favorite songs from each album (not the kids' albums or The Escape Team)[edit]

Album Favorite Least Favorite
They Might Be Giants She's An Angel Chess Piece Face
Lincoln Ana Ng Santa's Beard
Flood Birdhouse In Your Soul Hot Cha
Apollo 18 The Statue Got Me High Hypnotist Of Ladies
John Henry The End Of The Tour O, Do Not Forsake Me
Factory Showroom Spiraling Shape Exquisite Dead Guy
Long Tall Weekend Certain People I Could Name On Earth My Nina
Mink Car Hopeless Bleak Despair Drink!
The Spine I Can't Hide From My Mind The World Before Later On
The Else The Mesopotamians Withered Hope
Join Us Celebration You Probably Get That A Lot
Nanobots Sometimes A Lonely Way There
Glean All The Lazy Boyfriends Underwater Woman
Phone Power I'll Be Haunting You Black Ops Alt.
I Like Fun Push Back The Hands The Greatest
My Murdered Remains Tractor The Bullies
BOOK Part Of You Wants To Believe Me Wait Actually Yeah No