
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
This user is 19 years old.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Where Your Eyes Don't Go (Demo).

PinkAlbum.png This user's favorite album is the Pink Album.
VID This user's favorite TMBG video is Ana Ng.

LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: I was bent metal, you were a flaming wreck

Linnell 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Linnell.

Beller 45.jpg This user's favorite band member is Marty Beller.

INT This user has written the following song interpretations.

Hiya! I'm Mimi, and it's nice to meet you! I'm a creative writing student, a wannabe author, and a total tmbg superfan (if such a thing even exists...I think we're all around that level >w<)

It all started with an inexplicable childhood obsession with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme (I'd wake up early to dance along!), then the "Istanbul" Just Dance level of all things. At thirteen I felt weirdly seen by Squidward's song from the SpongeBob Musical...a year later I had a brief obsession with the song "Stuff is Way", and a year after that it was "I Love You for Psychological Reasons" and "Kiss Me, Son of God"!!

Yet another year passed. At last I re-discovered my family's fave "Birdhouse in Your Soul" and discovered my own new fave, "Ana Ng". I decided to finally research this mysterious band. When I realised they were responsible for all those seemingly disconnected songs I'd loved throughout my life, my mind was blown! It all suddenly made sense! I knew I'd found my musical home...

As a poet (pending...) I adore dissecting the Johns' intricate lyrics. I hope that wouldn't drive them too nuts. The ease at which they smoothie up whimsy and soul-crushing horror just speaks to my squishy little heart. I think it helps that my writing style and worldview are somewhat similar to John Linnell's...or, well. I'd like to think so! YAY!

I'm happy to be here <3