When It Rains It Snows (Live)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name When It Rains It Snows
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Frank O'Toole Show, Upsalapalooza, TMBG Unlimited - March
year 1987
first played March 4, 1987 (1 known performance)
run time 1:58 (2:14 on Upsalapalooza)
sung by John Flansburgh


  • Recorded live on March 4, 1987.
  • The recording on Upsalapalooza includes Flansburgh and Linnell's chatter before and after the song.

Song Themes

Clothes, Colors, Criminal Activities, Doors, Furniture, Medical, Not In Common Time, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Occupations, Reading, Weather, Windows


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