Distant Antenna

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Distant Antenna"
Tony Millionaire's artwork for the song
Rykodisc artwork

song name Distant Antenna
artist Mono Puff
releases Unsupervised, TMBG Clock Radio
year 1996
first played June 25, 1996 (13 known performances)
run time 2:14
sung by Elina Löwensohn


  • This song was inspired by a woman who called a radio station complaining that "the mountains are in the way". The Orange Mountains mentioned in the song are located in New Jersey.
  • Flansburgh said, "This recording was cooked up quite spontaneously at the end of the marathon tracking session at Unique Studio in Times Square. Romanian-born actress Elina Löwensohn, star of Nadja, a number of Hal Hartley films, and the upcoming 'The Devil When Down To Newport' video, did the voice-over. There are no samples or loops, just real records scratching along, and live radios being tuned."

Song Themes

Hearing, New York City, Non-John Vocals, Relatives, Self-Reference, Spoken Word, Telecommunication, Title Not In Lyrics, Weather


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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