Unsupervised, I Hit My Head

From This Might Be A Wiki
Tony Millionaire's artwork for the song
Rykodisc art

song name Unsupervised, I Hit My Head
artist Mono Puff
releases Unsupervised, TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 7A
year 1996
first played June 26, 1996 (36 known performances)
run time 2:56
sung by John Flansburgh, Mike Viola on harmony[1]


  • This song is about leaving your 20s and the diminishing effects of coffee.
  • Flansburgh says, "This is kind of a personal song that I could easily spoil with too much explanation. Looking at the lyrics, it seems pretty self-pitying, but I assure everyone I was really just trying to put the blame on someone else."

Song Themes

Accidents, Addiction, Compulsion, Body Parts, Coffee, Counting, Drinks, Hands, Heads, Medical, Non-John Vocals, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Puns, Real Estate, Super-Human Qualities, Telecommunication, Title Not In Lyrics


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Unsupervised, I Hit My Head is currently ranked #40 out of 1010. (100 wikians have given it an average rating of 9.16)