With The Dark

From This Might Be A Wiki
Official video for the song, by Hine Mizushima
TMBG Puppets - from Hine's video
TMBG's heads turn to taxidermy - from Hine's video

song name With the Dark
artist They Might Be Giants
releases The Else, Them Ain't Big Eye Ants
year 2007
first played May 31, 2007 (56 known performances)
run time 3:17
sung by John Flansburgh


  • John Linnell mentioned in an interview with Spare The Rock, Spoil The Child that, at the time of the interview (May 5, 2007), this was his favorite song from The Else.
  • The stanza beginning with "I'm getting tired of all my nautical dreams" was adapted from an unreleased, live-only song of 2003, "Puppets Gonna Fuck You Up", and slightly rewritten for this song.
  • The instrumentation for this song originated in an otherwise completely unrelated track written early on for the They Might Be Giants Podcast, "Mono".
  • Hine Mizushima was commissioned by the band to create the video for "With The Dark", and it was produced from December 2, 2006 to late March 2007. The final video incorporates lots of traditional TMBG imagery, such as the squid and spaceship from the front cover of Apollo 18, as well as John and John's heads mounted on plaques, similar to the animal heads mounted in the video for "Whence That Wince".
  • Mizushima vented in a 2007 blog post on her blog shortly after the video's release, stating that the video's aspect ratio was cropped from 4:3 to 16:9 by the band, presumably to make it feel more cinematic, and that the video was heavily compressed during its upload.
  • For the song's first three performances at the 3LD Art & Technology Center in June 2007, TMBG expanded the song's acoustic introduction into a full song, instead of performing the track as on the album. A new verse was also added. Later, however, the band moved to performing the song to mirror the studio version.

Song Themes

Accents, Animals, Artificial Body Parts, Dreams, Fire, Love, Onomatopoeia, Problems With Liner Notes, Recycled Material, Sea, Writing


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