
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Cabbagetown
artist They Might Be Giants
releases I Palindrome I (EP), The Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) (EP) [European Release], TMBG Clock Radio
year 1992
first played July 18, 1982 (3 known performances)
run time 2:56
sung by John Flansburgh


  • From TMBG Unlimited: "Cabbagetown is in fact a real place, a quite dilapidated part of inner-city Atlanta, and yet the description of dogs and porches is actually completely accurate as Cabbagetown is one of the few remaining parts of that city that is a throw back to its more rural vibe."
  • The Dial-A-Song version of the song used the line "He said camels have hard eyes and dead men don't talk back" in place of "With a bottle in one hand and another in the other".
  • This was one of the songs played by TMBG at their very first live show.

Song Themes

Animals, Body Parts, Cities, Death, Drinking, Falling, Food, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Not In Major Or Minor, Plants, Relatives, Sea, Time, Transportation


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Cabbagetown is currently ranked #335 out of 1016. (45 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.56)