I'm Your Boyfriend Now

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name I'm Your Boyfriend Now
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Cast Your Pod To The Wind, Podcast 34A, The Else [Japanese Release]
year 2007
run time 2:40
sung by John Linnell


  • The original demo of this song was first released six years earlier in 2001. This version removes the lyric about a restraining order.
  • The psychiatric condition of believing someone is in love with you when they are not is a subtype of delusional disorder called erotomania.

Song Themes

Beach, Criminal Activities, Denial, Drinking, Egoism And Pretentiousness, Epistolary Songs, Eyes, Food, Friendship, Heads, Insanity, Love, Questions, Real Estate, The Senses, Telecommunication


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I'm Your Boyfriend Now is currently ranked #139 out of 1016. (117 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.90)