
From This Might Be A Wiki

song name London
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Venue Songs, London, UK September 9, 2004
year 2004
first played September 9, 2004 (1 known performance)
run time 1:16
sung by John Linnell


  • Also known as "At The As-tore-eye-yea" in the original concert setlist.
  • Venue song for the London Astoria, which was closed down in January 2009 and demolished in October 2009 to make way for a railway link, despite much criticism.
  • The "light-up sign that says GAY" refers to a large light-up sign for G-A-Y, a nightclub, which was situated on the back wall of the stage. During the Mink Car tour, the Johns were plugging their next gig at The Garage in Glasgow. Their American pronunciation of garage made the audience laugh, so they riffed on it and ended up discussing a Gay Raj. A lighting technician quickly took the opportunity to light up the 30-foot-tall G-A-Y sign behind them which had the audience in hysterics, particularly as it took a while for the Johns to notice it. The rest is legend. The Astoria doubled as this nightclub, and so the band have to have finished by 11 pm as the place needs to be cleared out and re-set up for it.
  • "Wake up and play" was the slogan on the many of the G-A-Y posters adorning the entrance.

Song Themes

Clothes, No, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Size, Sleep, Time, Transportation, Venue Songs


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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