The Secret Life Of Six

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "The Secret Life Of Six"
Six knows how to stand on his head.

song name The Secret Life of Six
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Here Come The 123s
year 2008
run time 2:01
sung by John Flansburgh, Robin Goldwasser


  • The video for this song was created by Hine Mizushima, who also created the video for "With The Dark". In addition, Robin Goldwasser created the Six and Nine models seen in the video.
  • The video was produced between April 10 to May 3, 2007, according to the metadata of the original photos posted on her portfolio.

Song Themes

Age, Altered Voice, Body Parts, Heads, Lies And Deception, Non-John Vocals, Not In Common Time, Numbers


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The Secret Life Of Six is currently ranked #941 out of 1016. (38 wikians have given it an average rating of 6.91)