Not In Common Time
From This Might Be A Wiki
The following songs do not follow the conventional 4/4 time signature in all or part of the song:
2/2 (Cut Time)[edit]
- Choo Choo Express - Alternates with 12/8 time
- Everything Right Is Wrong Again - Drums switch to a 2/2 groove for the first four bars of each chorus, as well as in the "slowed down" section.
- Fake-Believe & Fake-Believe (Type B) - A marching band/polka beat. Free-form 4/4 in intro/outro. Otherwise both songs are in 4/4 time (slow tempo).
- Fibber Island
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Lucky Ball & Chain - Country & Western two-step beat.
- Michigan
- Particle Man
- Stalk Of Wheat
- Stomp Box
- Stand On Your Own Head
- They'll Need A Crane
- They Might Be Giants
- The Famous Polka
- Haunted Floating Eye
- I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die
- Pirate Girls Nine - Verse is in 2/4, bridge is in 12/8, chorus is in 9/8. 8th note stays constant throughout.
- Bangs - Some parts alternate between 4/4 - 2/4. Most of the song is in 4/4.
- Another Weirdo
- Burnice
- California As An Island
- Drink! Most of the song is in 3/4 while the transitions from the verse to the chorus is in 9/8
- I Blame You
- Lines Upon A Tranquil Brow - The first half, the rest is in 4/4.
- The Day
- Tres Quatro
- Utah
- Violin - The "Hippo" section
- Wait Actually Yeah No
- When It Rains It Snows - Standard waltz-style beat
- Healer's Lament - The "Come in to my crystal..." part
- I Wouldn't Be Mad
- Now That I Have Everything - Only the drum track and the chorus. The rest of the song is in 4/4.
- Bangs - Mostly in 4/4 but some measures have a 4/4 - 2/4 alternation during the chorus, verse, and guitar solo transitions.
- It Was A Very Good Year - The second bar of the second verse, following a bar of 7/4
- Now That I Have Everything - The looped "Now there's everything / Don't remind me of yesterday" section at the end
- Other Father Song
- Please Pass The Milk
- The Secret Life Of Six - Intro and refrains in 6/4, with the rest in 4/4
- She Was A Hotel Detective - The first two lines of each section of the chorus are in 6/4, then it goes back to 4/4: "She was a hotel detective / but now she's better connected..." etc.
- Sleepwalkers - Verse is in 6/4, phrased 4/4 - 2/4, switches to 4/4 when the whole band comes in
- The Statue Got Me High - Mostly in 4/4 but some bars of 6/4 in the "The stone, it called to me (and now I see the things the stone has shown to me) A rock that spoke a word (an animated mineral, it can be heard)" section.
- What Is Everyone Staring At? - Same as "Sleepwalkers" above
- Women & Men - The verses are in 7/4, then 6/4, then 7/4, then 6/4.
- Hello Radio - Has a couple bars of 9/4, the rest are bars of 7/4.
- It Was A Very Good Year - The first bar of the second verse - apparently to give the singer time to say "the square root of a negative number" in one bar
- Sketchy Galore - The "he looks down, down, down" section
- Women & Men - The verses alternate between 7/4 and 6/4 (see above).
- The Bells Are Ringing - The "The bells are ringing..." parts. The rest is in 4/4
- I'm All You Can Think About - The "bup ba bup ba ba, bup ba bup ba bow" parts
- Thermostat - Chorus alternates 4/4 - 4/4 - 2/4
- 100 Cars For Good
- About Me
- All Alone, All By Myself - First few beats are in 6/8 while the rest is in 9/8.
- Asheville
- Brooklyn
- C Is For Conifers
- Darlin' Allison
- Dead
- DeWitt Clinton
- Drink!
- Drinkin' - The middle section
- End Of The Rope
- I Am A Ring
- I'll Sink Manhattan
- I Know What I Saw
- Jazz Waltz in C
- King Weed
- Letterbox
- The Life Of Doug
- Museum Of Idiots
- No Cops
- Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes - The part after the chorus
- O Tannenbaum
- The Other Side Of The World
- Replicant
- Space Suit
- Sorry I Fucked Up The Show - Some performances
- St. Louis
- Stormy Pinkness
- Stranger
- Ten Mississippi
- Tiny Doctors
- Town To Town - The "Hey Mr. Vu" part.
- Tumbleweed
- When Tornadoes Take Over The World
- Who's That Standing Out The Window?
- Xanthus Saves (for most of the song)
- Z Y X
- Here Comes Science - The "Ready or not, Here Comes Science" part.
- All Alone, All By Myself - Mostly in 9/8 but song begins in 6/8.
- Drink! - At the transition of each verse to the chorus. The rest is in 3/4.
- Pirate Girls Nine - Chorus is in 9/8, bridge is in 6/8, verse is in 2/4. 8th note stays constant throughout. Otherwise the song alternates 4/4 in the verses and 3/4 in the chorus and bridge.
- Apophenia - A very fast 12/8; the continuous triplet pattern in the drums distinguishes it from a swung 4/4.
- Choo Choo Express - Alternates with Cut time
- Maine - Fast shuffle, Harpsichord plays eighth-triplets throughout.
- Nine Bowls Of Soup - Marching feel
- Ondine
- Pencil Rain
- Pirate Girls Nine - Bridge is in 12/8, chorus is in 9/8, verse is in 2/4. 8th note stays constant throughout.
- Shape Shifter
- Spoiler Alert
- Synopsis For Latecomers
- Three Might Be Duende
- Trees
- We Live In A Dump
- Where Your Eyes Don't Go
- Whistling In The Dark - Marching beat, otherwise the song is in 4/4