Weep Day

From This Might Be A Wiki
An old flyer containing lyrics for the band's often requested songs, including the lyrics for Weep Day, 1985.

song name Weep Day
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Then: The Earlier Years, Selections From Then, Mightathon, Podcast 22A
year 1984
first played July 7, 1983 (2 known performances)
run time 1:50
sung by John Linnell, John Flansburgh (background)


  • Flansburgh in a 1996 interview with ICE Magazine: "Just a good song we never put on a record."
  • Although the song has very few documented live performances, Flansburgh has said that it was ”played many many times live in the years before we started making records.”[1]
  • From the liner notes for Then: The Earlier Years:
The germ for Weep Day was the hyphenated reference to a song on the back of a Bob Dylan record jacket which read "Mr. Tambo-
urine Man."
Flansburgh drew disturbing likenesses of both Mr. Tambo and Urine Man and Linnell dreamed up their antithetical relationship and set it to music.

Song Themes

Dancing, German, Islands, Music, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, People (Imaginary), Puns, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Screaming, Self-Reference, Sports, Time, Writing, Yes


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