Lullabye To Nightmares

From This Might Be A Wiki
This article is about the 1999 They Might Be Giants recording. For the 1993 Hello the Band recording, see Lullaby To Nightmares.
Illustration from the Long Tall Weekend liner notes

song name Lullabye to Nightmares
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Long Tall Weekend
year 1999
first played April 21, 1993 (6 known performances)
run time 2:28
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell backs and sings the "ba ba ba"s


  • From the Summer 1999 Info Club newsletter: "Lyrics by Joshua Fried, with a completely different feel than the Hello The Band version, this track includes the blazing trumpet of downtown klezmer king Frank London."
  • Originally recorded five years previously for the John Henry album but left off the final tracklist. The version released on Long Tall Weekend removes part of the opening drum roll and a full coda. The original 1994 version remained unreleased for 13 years until it was included on Podcast 27A. Interestingly, 1993 live performances of the song included the full coda.
  • Features a horn part similar to that heard in "Sleeping In The Flowers".
  • The lyrics are inspired in part by the 1952 song "Lullaby of Birdland."

Song Themes

Animals, Body Parts, Colors, Death, Dreams, Eyes, Hands, Hearing, Nonsense Words, Questions, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Sleep, Trees And Other Plants


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Lullabye To Nightmares is currently ranked #395 out of 1016. (64 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.46)